Monday Motivation 

What can I say apart from STOP RAINING!  We cannot let the weather affect our mood so a good positive mindset is to think 'what can I do' 

Mums working out at home with kids is such a positive fun activity

Workout with the kids and...

A productive way to keep kids busy and get them of the screens for a while if they do spend too much time gaming is to give them a task to do with an appropriate reward for completing it, it gives them a fun game and they feel a great sense of achievement. 

For people without kids and no gym membership, a great way to lift your spirits is to do a workout put youtube on a choose a workout it doesn't have to be a long one just 15 minutes and you will feel energized. Some people like walking in the rain I personally don't and I am not too keen on the gym so I work out at home. I bought a kettlebell set and found a great workout on youtube.