Becoming an influencer isn't difficult it does take time to build that depends on how hard you work on it. If you put the hours in you will get the results. 

How to start being an influencer and influencer marketing

The first thing to do is reach out to companies yourself you will be surprised how simple this is just a short message showing interest in their product asking if there are any opportunities. It's a numbers game just like anything else the more you ask the more likely you will get a bite. 

Make sure you reach out to companies that you are passionate about so the content you create is real and believable. 

I have seen a lot of influencers doing a 'sales pitch' and I don't think this is believable myself but that's just my POV. 


Set yourself up with some great equipment that won't break the bank- here is a list of must-haves to make great videos as an influencer. Always plan your video and if you are having a bad day don't let that show on camera, as an influencer any video could go viral you never know, and take it from me it's happened and I have not looked at my best.

Be really organized and have all your products and tools ready to hand.
Another very important factor make sure your surroundings are clean and tidy and there is nothing in the background to ruin your video. Some of us don't have studio setups but it's easy to set up a 'studio space' in your home.