You Start With One Thing  

It's a waste of time trying to get motivated to clean your house if it is full of clutter. The first thing to do is start in one room - the one in the worst condition then confront just one section. Get a black rubbish bag and start throwing things out that belong in the rubbish bin. When you start to de-clutter one small area you will find your motivation increases and before you know it you have got through a whole room and then you are ready to start cleaning it. 

how do I get motivated to clean my house

Don't Keep Things That You Might Need But Never Use 

Everything you use on a daily basis should have a place. We make the mistake of having a 'miscellaneous draw or cupboard' basically for junk that we never use - throw it out or give it to charity. A mistake many of us have made I'm sure in every room in the house. A room should have a nice flow when you walk into it you feel relaxed when a room is full of items scattered randomly it won't have a nice feel to it it's a confusing area and you won't feel like cleaning it but once it is de-cluttered you will be motivated to get it clean and bright. 

For storage and shelving needs HOME DEPOT STOP

how do I get motivated to clean my house

You Don't Need Money To Make Your House Look Good 

picking some wild flowers and putting them in a glass on a low budget

I have heard people say 'I can't afford to buy nice things to make the house look good' Well it's true that there are always nice things to buy but if you are on a low budget or need some extra money why not sell some of the clutter you have accumulated on eBay, you will be surprised how much income you can generate from items you no longer need or want - try it!

Once you have de-cluttered and cleaned the house go outside and pick some flowers even wildflowers can look really aesthetic in a vase and will brighten up any room - you have to get creative and before you know it you have transformed your home and getting motivated to clean your house is not difficult at all you will want to keep it in an organized state once you have gone through the de-clutter process.